Leaf Silver Leaf Silver

Tomato Carnage

Finally today was the day I set aside to process all the tomatoes. Waking up in the morning, I already knew that each task that day would feel like a struggle. A struggle to finish the chores and the tasks so that I could just lay down. Amidst the folding of laundry, washing of dishes, taking of shower—my usual day off tasks—I applied myself to the tomatoes.

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Leaf Silver Leaf Silver

Garden Update and Noodle Soup Recipe

A very small end of summer harvest of baby bok choi and radish greens from my first attempt at a raised bed vegetable garden. Bitterness in food, like medicine from the ground, transfers essential vitamins and minerals to your body in crisp green leaf form, how convenient! Wilted, stir-fried or blanched with a bit of salt; mix and match different greens for the perfect vegetable side dish or a bright crunch in a noodle soup.

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